As I noted in an earlier post, I’ve been working away at some other projects recently, one of which I quietly launched a week or so ago–the online archives of Greil Marcus. It’s very much a work-in-progress, and just to be clear, it’s a blog (hosted by WordPress), as opposed to a website/database like In other words, it will be updated several times a week with stuff (somewhat randomly chosen) and will be an extremely slow crawl towards achieving comprehensiveness, if indeed it ever gets there.

I will continue to pop my head in the door here, of course, and will post items when the spirit moves me to do so, etc.

(Sorry, Richard!)

2 thoughts on “

  1. Hey, Scott, I aspire to be as open to new ideas as my hero Lester always tried to be, so I say, “Bring it on!” It probably wouldn’t hurt for me to update my acquaintance with the Marcus canon. After I posted my response to Vinnie Todaro last night, it hit me that when I was working on that Bangs-inspired “SCREEM” parody of CREEM back in 1973-74, the satiric bylines I’d created for our versions of a couple of well-known critics were “Grail Markup” and “Brave March,” so it seems I’d already decided my take on their respective essences four whole decades ago. Time to see if Grail . . . er, Greil’s still fits. Looking through the pieces you’ve already posted, I see you’ve been working on this compendium for some time. Did you have to obtain Greil’s permission to do this semi-official blog about his writings? If he fusses, maybe you can divert him with the Canadian Studies myth that Rob Ford is actually Toronto’s mayor.

  2. Looks great, Scott. Recently finished Greil’s Shape Of Things To Come. There’s a brilliant distillation on page 225, “A Memory of the Future,” of the thinking that goes into his uncanny (sometimes whacky) knack for reading music, art, and history as prophecy. So may backpages I haven’t caught up w/ but this Marcus project will be something I prioritize. Appreciate your efforts.

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