Sub-Question of the Week: What has been your own experience with…

protest marches, acts of civil disobedience, sit-ins, and other forms of social activism? (Feel free to stretch the definition of “social activism” to suit your situation.)

I’ve decided to Occupy A.C. Rhodes’s Chair (OACRC) just for a minute to ask this question. What I’m most interested in here is “personal experience”: what sorts of activities related to social protest have you or haven’t you done, how have those experiences been, is it something you still do or intend to do, etc. I fully intend to attempt an answer myself at some point. (And no, just to alleviate your concerns, I’m not an informant, though feel free to answer anonymously, or anyway, to pretend that such a thing is possible.)

Related question asked three years ago by ACR, with one of our longest comments box responses: “Why has there been a dearth of protest songs?