Obscure Music Magazine of the Day: Synapse

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The avant-pop-synthesizer geek in me has been curious about this magazine for a long time (I’m pretty sure it falls under the rubric of “obscure,” given that I don’t ever recall seeing an issue in the store; mind you, it does predate by a year or two my obsession with knobs and such). My assumption is that it was more a ‘zine for the tech-minded rather than for the critical-minded (not to say tech-minded folks aren’t critical, too, and vice versa). Anyway, now I can find out: there are a number of scanned issues available here, nicely indexed and everything.

Obscure Music Magazine of the Day: Zoo World



Not that obscure, really. I know my brother had a copy or two, and Richard Meltzer mentioned it (somewhat mockingly) in my interview with him. But it’s more or less forgotten, and I’ve no idea if it was any good or not. (My guess is that, like a lot of ‘zines from the period, it had some decent contributers but a limited budget and/or no clear aesthetic differentiation from the big kids on the block — Creem, Rolling Stone, Circus, and Crawdaddy. But who am I to say?)