“Immense amount of collective guilt”

Kevin Avery on the process of compiling interviews for his Paul Nelson bio/compilation.

It snowballed. One person would lead me to two others who would lead me to four others. A lot of this was accomplished by good will, old friends of Paul’s who really wanted to see his work in print again. I found that among Paul’s friends there was the most immense amount of collective guilt that I’ve ever encountered. They felt like, as a whole, they had let him slip away. Paul didn’t make it easy. A lot of them did try to call Paul and he didn’t return their calls. Paul was very good at shutting doors in his life and not turning back.

One thought on ““Immense amount of collective guilt”

  1. I still recall some of Paul Nelson’s reviews, which seemed very intelligent, bordering on poetic (for their intuition and suggestion); and think it’s great to have some tribute paid to his work and to have his legacy preserved.

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